True Blessedness

SpurgeonFEW men judge things aright. Most people measure by appearances; few know the teat of reality. We pronounce the man blessed who grasps the sceptre or wears the crown; whereas perhaps no peasant in his dominions enjoys less happiness than he does. We pronounce that man blessed who has uninterrupted and perpetual health; but we know not the secret gnawings of the heart, devoured by its own anguish, and embittered by a sorrow that a stranger cannot perceive. We call the wise man happy, because he understandeth all things, from the hyssop on the wall to the cedar of Lebanon; but he saith, “Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” We are all for pronouncing our neighbour’s lot happier than our own. As Young says of mortality, “All men think all men mortal but themselves,” we are apt to think all men happy but ourselves. But oh! if we could see things as they are,—if we were not deceived by the masquerade of this poor life,—if we were not so easily taken in by the masks and dresses of those who act in this great drama, be it comedy or tragedy,—if we could but see what the men are behind, the scenes, penetrate their hearts, watch their inner motions and discern their secret feelings, we should find but few who could bear the name of “blessed.” Indeed, there are none except those who come under the description of my text, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” He is blessed, thrice blessed, blessed for evermore, blessed of heaven, blessed of earth, blessed for time, blessed for eternity, but the man whose sin is not forgiven is not blessed,—the mouth of Jehovah hath said it, and God shall manifest that cursed is every man whose transgression is not forgiven, whose sin is not covered.

Charles Spurgeon

The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 53 (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1907), 409. Vol. 53, Sermon No. 3,054; Titled: Pardon and Justification; Published on Thursday, August 22, 1907. Click here for a free PDF of this sermon. | Listen to this sermon RePreached.

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Spurgeon RePreached | Sermon 3054 – Pardon and Justification (Psalm 32:1)

A dramatic re-preaching of Spurgeon’s Sermon 3054 from Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit sermons volume 53.

Psalm 32:1:
“Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.”

Indeed, there are none except those who come under the description of my text, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” He is blessed, thrice blessed, blessed for evermore, blessed of heaven, blessed of earth, blessed for time, blessed for eternity, but the man whose sin is not forgiven is not blessed,—the mouth of Jehovah hath said it, and God shall manifest that cursed is every man whose transgression is not forgiven, whose sin is not covered.

A PDF of this sermon in updated language can be found here.

Music credit: Dexter Britain “The Time to Run” found here:

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